Freshmen are welcome to use CSE sports facilities before they are issued with a student card by the Registry provided that they can present alternative documentary proof (e.g. offer letter, payment proof of tuition fee and other photo ID such as HKID card / passport) to support their identity as a HKU student to our staff for verification and admittance.
Meanwhile, prior booking is required for some of CSE sports facilities and please refer to the table below for more details:
Booking Requirement
Tennis, Table-Tennis, Badminton, Multi-Purpose Rooms for Individual Exercise, Golf Driving, Golf Pitching and Putting
Prior online booking is required.
(Freshmen please wait for their valid HKU Portal account to be assigned by ITS before making an online booking of the facilities concerned.)
Swimming Pool, Running Tracks
Prior booking is not required**.
Fitness Centres
Prior booking is not required** except for peak-hour sessions at HKU B-Active and CSE Active. Please click this LINK for more details.
(HKU Portal account is not required for making a booking of fitness centre.)
* Facilities not listed in the table (e.g. soccer, basketball, volleyball) are reserved for group bookings (i.e. bookings by U teams, student halls, etc.) only.
** Users however are advised to pay attention to our closure schedule, bulk-mail and website announcement on the scheduled / ad-hoc facility closure due to public holidays or special events.
Individual Booking
(For internal and external group bookings, please click HERE)
There is no need to make advance booking if you use the swimming pools or running tracks and fitness centres. Due to COVID 19 restrictions advanced booking is required for fitness centres. However, for other facilities (e.g. tennis, table-tennis, badminton, dance studio), you are advised to make an advance booking as the use of these facilities are subject to availability. Please further see Q. B.3. & B.4. for details on how to make an advance booking. Of course, members can come to Sports Centres in person to make a booking on the spot and use the facility right after. However, the availability of the facility is not guaranteed in such case.
Please note that for some sports facilities such as handball, softball, hockey, lacrosse facilities, they are only available for group bookings.
Advance booking can be made through one of the following means:
On-line booking via this link (only available for those sports members with access to HKU Portal); Phone booking at 3910 3245 (Stanley Ho Sports Centre); In-person booking at the Sports Centre.
Booking and use of facilities are free of charge except when using tennis court or multi-purpose court at night time (at and after 1830 (May-Oct) or 1730 (Nov-Apr)) when users are required to pay a flood-lighting fee of $30/hour.
Sports members can make bookings 7 days in advance. All advance bookings are subject to the CSE's rules and regulations on facility booking. Some key regulations are highlighted as follows:
Sports members will be limited to a maximum of 7 advance bookings (1 hour each for each facility booking) at any one time within 7 days. However, if individual members would like to continue to use the facility after their booked session ends and the facility concerned is still available (i.e. not booked by other members), they can go to the sports centre reception counter to make another booking (i.e. walk-in booking) to extend their use of the facility.Sports members are not permitted to book in advance for more than one facility booking at any one timeslot.Sports members are not allowed to make more than one advance booking for the same activity on a day. Please refer to the full CSE's rules and regulations on facility booking for more details.
CSE sports facilities are mostly reserved for the training and practices sections of the University's students who have the highest priority to use any of them.
In order to streamline fitness facility access to any of the three CSE fitness facilities, the existing FRAP (Fitness Room Accreditation Programme) has ceased to exist from August 31, 2014. Users are encouraged to read and understand the assumption of risk in using any of CSE's fitness facilities. Additionally, users who are unaccustomed to exercising are recommended to seek the advice of a medical professional before engaging in physical activity.
Staff and students who are still interested in joining our Fitness Centre Introductory Course for each of the centers are encouraged to register online through the University's Event Management System (EMS) service. These orientation programmes will continue to provide staff and students with a platform for learning safe and effective use of equipment within each fitness facility. Users are also encouraged to seek the advice of attending staff members if they are unfamiliar with any equipment. To assist in helping you familiarize with our fitness equipment CSE has also provided descriptions and links to all of the equipment in all centers for easy reference.
Hirers should call the Sports Centre (Stanley Ho Sports Centre: 3910 3245) not earlier than 1 hour before the booking time to check if the weather condition at the Sports Centre and if the facility concerned is closed due to adverse weather. The Sports Centre staff would advise you accordingly. If hirers do not show up while the facilities concerned are still good for use, such will be considered as a "No-show" and the hirers concerned will be subject to a No-show penalty.