Details of Individual Booking, Internal Group Booking and External Group Booking are listed below:
Individual Booking
Online Individual Booking (only for HKU students and staff with HKU portal account)
To Book Facilities by Desktop version:
Login HKU Portal > Campus Information Services > Service Departments > Centre for Sports and Exercise > Sports Facilities Booking
Login HKU Portal > Campus Information Services > Service Departments > Centre for Sports and Exercise > Sports Facilities Booking
To Book Facilities by Mobile version:
Using your smartphones, click this link or scan the QR Code below. For details, please click here.
Using your smartphones, click this link or scan the QR Code below. For details, please click here.

All HKU Full-time students and staff with HKU portal account are welcome to make booking via the Booking System for FREE (Daily quota, floodlight charge and guest fee will apply).
Individual Booking by Phone (for sports members without HKU portal account)
To book facilities, please call CSE’s booking hotline 3910-3245 (Stanley Ho Sports Centre) or 3910-3568 (CSE Suen Chi Sun Hall Multi-purpose Room).
Scale of Charges
Individual users are strongly advised to read the following regulations which govern the use of different sports facilities before they start their activities:
Internal Group Booking
Student/Staff groups which wish to make use of CSE facilities should first receive approval from their respective authorities. The procedures are detailed below:A. Student Groups

Both CCSO and CSE registrations are required and they must be renewed on an annual basis or when a new cabinet is appointed, whichever is earlier.
B. Staff Groups

Registrations have to be renewed in April each year or when a new cabinet is appointed, whichever is earlier.
For details about booking quota assignments and definition of “quota”, please refer to the Internal Group Booking Policy.
To Book Facilities:
Login HKU Portal > Campus Information Services > Service Departments > Centre for Sports and Exercise > Sports Facilities Booking
Guest coach/team/player/official entry request : HKU Portal > Campus Information Services > Service Departments > Centre for Sports and Exercise > Sports Facilities Booking
(Please submit your request at least 3 working days in advance of your booking)
Scale of Charges
Charges for Floodlight Usages and Guest Teams’ / Visitors’ Entries.
Special Group Bookings
- Athletics Track & Field (Full stadium)
- Grass Soccer Pitch (Pitch 3)
- Whole Swimming Pool
- Whole Indoor Sports Hall
External Group Booking
HKU supports community sports participation and welcomes schools making bookings at our sports facilities especially during non-peak hours (08:00-16:30) on weekdays. Occasionally, HKU will allow organizations to run major events at peak hours. The incomes generated will be used to support the facilities operations as well as HKU sports centres’ future developments.Bookings can normally be made as early as 3 weeks prior to the event date. For hirers who wish to make bookings more than 3 weeks in advance of the event date, please call or email the booking officer to seek approval from the Management first. Such bookings will be subject to at least 10% surcharge to the hiring fee. Additional surcharges will apply to bookings with special requests in venue setup, and based on factors like catering service, scale of event, use of special equipment, number of attendees, etc. Waiver to any fee requires justification and hirers may be asked to provide relevant documents to support the requests.
School/Organization which is the first time wishing to hire our sports facilities can check out the list of facilities and the scale of charges first, and then send a Booking Inquiry specifying the needs to the Booking Officer at or call them during office hours (0900-1230 & 1400-1700) at 3910 3558. For returning hirers, please check the venues’ availability before submitting an application via the External Group Online Booking System (EGOBS).
Same as centrally administered facilities in the HKU Main Campus, booking requests from external groups will be considered on a case-by-case basis, provided that the intended activities do not infringe the law. Approval is given only in exceptional circumstances. In general, appeal against rejection of application will not be accepted.
Scale of Charges
For mega event, package price instead of normal scale of charges may apply.